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Hospital Wastewater Evaluation Test Kit to evaluate Phosphorous and Nitrogen (N and P), BOD, COD, Heavy Metals, TSS, Micro-Organisms from different hospital wastewater streams at a small scale before committing to a large capital investment.

Hospital wastewater is a serious environmental disaster. Causing a huge biological imbalance to our environment putting Public health at risk effecting Aquatic life and water bodies around us . Qualitative indices evaluated in most Hospital wastewater world over is reported to contain more than permissible levels of pathogenic microorganisms, partially metabolized pharmaceuticals, radioactive isotopes, hormones , heavy metals , toxic chemical compounds , Phenol and also other undesired potential pathogens , including but not limiting to antibiotic-resistant bacteria and viruses.

Hospital Wastewater

Contaminants are fount at various sections of the hospitals – Labour wards, ICU, Testing Laboratory, Mortuary , Post Mortem room, Chemotherapy unit. Most of the contaminants in the hospital effluents are resistant to conventional biological treatments methods and as a result when discharged are provoking biological imbalances to the environment – potentially endangering public health, and the natural resources .

Electro-Coagulation Systems are supplied as a skid mounted unit, fully assembled for inlet/outlet and backwash connections.

CALL : +91 44 22781951 OR +91 89394 66253



Hospital Wastewater Evaluation Test Kit to evaluate Phosphorous and Nitrogen (N and P), BOD, COD, Heavy Metals, TSS, Micro-Organisms from different hospital wastewater streams at a small scale before committing to a large capital investment.

Hospital wastewater is a serious environmental disaster. Causing a huge biological imbalance to our environment putting Public health at risk effecting Aquatic life and water bodies around us . Qualitative indices evaluated in most Hospital wastewater world over is reported to contain more than permissible levels of pathogenic microorganisms, partially metabolized pharmaceuticals, radioactive isotopes, hormones , heavy metals , toxic chemical compounds , Phenol and also other undesired potential pathogens , including but not limiting to antibiotic-resistant bacteria and viruses.

Hospital Wastewater

Contaminants are fount at various sections of the hospitals – Labour wards, ICU, Testing Laboratory, Mortuary , Post Mortem room, Chemotherapy unit. Most of the contaminants in the hospital effluents are resistant to conventional biological treatments methods and as a result when discharged are provoking biological imbalances to the environment – potentially endangering public health, and the natural resources .

Electro-Coagulation Systems are supplied as a skid mounted unit, fully assembled for inlet/outlet and backwash connections.

CALL : +91 44 22781951 OR +91 89394 66253
